Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Masters of Deceit: Barry Obama and Mark Warner

Coming on the heels of news that Barack Obama lied about his abortion votes, it is, perhaps, unsurprising that Obama would chose another liar of mythical proportions to be the keynote speaker at his coronation in Denver, assuming, of course, that Hillary doesn't get him thrown off the ballot because he is not a legal citizen of the U.S.

If making millions with insider knowledge is being an innovative businessman, and being a bipartisan leader means misleading state legislators and the public about the state budget, then former Virginia Governor Mark Warner (D-VA) is your man.

Obama can even pick up a few tricks from Warner. Just keep repeating, "I will not raise taxes," and try to look sincere. It certainly worked for Warner who went on to give Virginians the largest tax increase in the history of the Commonwealth.