Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote for freedom - Vote for John McCain

Victoria Cobb, President of The Family Foundation of Virginia, urges everyone to vote tomorrow and pray.

"Tomorrow, the citizens of the freest nation in the world will once again choose their leader. This time, however, it seems certain that the choice is not just about a person or a party, but about the very essence of our nation.

Tomorrow, we will choose between a candidate that has a quarter century record of voting to protect human life in its most vulnerable form, or a candidate that believes it is in the nation’s best interest to allow newborn children who survive late-term abortions to simply die.

Tomorrow, we will choose between a candidate that believes the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is worth defending, or a candidate that believes the definition of marriage is malleable.

Tomorrow, we will choose between a candidate that believes parents should have the option to send their children to whatever school they wish, public or private, or a candidate that believes teaching sex education to kindergartners is good for America.

Tomorrow, we will choose between a candidate that believes hard working families should be free to keep more of their hard earned incomes, or a candidate that believes continuing to allow families that freedom is bad for America and that income should be redistributed as the government sees fit.

The differences between John McCain and Barak Obama are staggering. You can read more about these differences at (Also review the Congressional voter guide that shows the vast differences between candidates for U.S. Senate, Jim Gilmore and Mark Warner, and Congressional races.)

But in truth, this election is not simply about the issues listed above. It is about freedom. It is about the freedom to make decisions about our families, our incomes and our faith that the government has no business being involved with. It is about whether or not the document that “holds these truths to be self evident” is still relevant in our society.

I for one am not ready to give up on the Founding Fathers vision! I am not ready to turn my life over to a bureaucrat in Washington, DC to determine what my health care needs are, how I can or cannot live my faith in the public square, how my family’s income should be spent or how the very institutions on which society is based are defined.

This nation and its Judeo-Christian heritage are worth getting up early, standing in line, bringing a family friend or neighbor or fellow church member along with us, and casting our ballots for the candidate that believes in the sanctity of human life and the sanctity of marriage and the freedom to prosper! This nation is worth ignoring the prognosticators, the polls, and the media’s overwhelming and blatant disregard for facts and truth.

In short, it is worth your vote. Please, tomorrow, vote. Vote for the God ordained values and truths that our society must protect in order to survive.

Tomorrow, pray, vote, then go home and pray more."

Victoria Cobb