Monday, January 18, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Think back for a moment to the prevailing wisdom in the days following the November 2008 election. Liberal elites and the media were gloating. The most leftwing candidate in history had just been elected president, and Democrats had secured super majorities in Congress. “The GOP,” they crowed, “is dead!” “Republicans can’t compete in New England.” “It’s a washed-up, white male party that will never hold national office again.”

Other “wise men” counseled the GOP to move beyond Reagan, to abandon conservatism and to evolve in the age of Obama. Liberal elites, who did not even try to contain their glee at Obama’s election, were offering the GOP advice on what to do to get along in their new world. Conservatives were repeatedly encouraged to reconsider our most cherished values. The Tea Party activists were mercilessly mocked by contemptuous liberals as “ignorant” and worse. What a difference a year makes!

My point is simply this: Ignore the liberal elites! Our values aren’t the problem, and we don’t need to take advice from folks who aren’t our friends."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families