Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Obama: The Anti-National Security Guy

Erick Erickson, RedState.com, describes how Obama is playing fast and loose with the lives of innocent Americans in his wrong-headed denial of terrorism and the prosecution of terrorists.

9/11 Didn't Happen: The Obama Administration Tries to Prove George Bush Was Wrong

It would be one thing if our lives were not at stake.

Barack Obama has decided he is going to show the world that George Bush was wrong in how he conducted the war on terror. Bush decided to send foreign terrorist enemies to GTMO for questioning by the military and, in a few cases, to be water boarded to get answers.

Obama is above that He is better than that. Barack Obama is going to prove to the world and to the 55-60% of Americans who prefer to kill lest we be killed that he is better than them all.

Unfortunately for us, our lives are at stake.

According to the Washington Post, because Obama decided to treat the terrorist who wanted to blow up Delta 253 over Detroit as a criminal instead of a terrorist, the terrorist now has a defense attorney who has advised the terrorist that he does not have to cooperate or talk.

So how as the Obama administration decided to respond?

They are going to give the terrorist a plea bargain.

A plea bargain. For a terrorist. This isn't prosecuting a war. This is playing Law & Order. We have a President who really does believe all the world is a stage and he is a Screen Actors Guild member.

How many Americans will die because Barack Obama decided to lawyer up instead of soldier up?

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