“Pouring increasing amounts of student aid into college and university coffers has done nothing to improve college affordability and access.”
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Quote of the Day
Friday, April 29, 2011
Quote of the Day
"As Attorneys General of our respective states, we call upon you, as Acting General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), to withdraw immediately the complaint numbered 19-CA-32431 against Boeing. This complaint represents an assault upon the constitutional right of free speech, and the ability of our states to create jobs and recruit industry. Your ill-conceived retaliatory action seeks to destroy our citizens’ right to work. It is South Carolina and Boeing today, but will be any of our states, with our right to work guarantees, tomorrow.”
Portion of a letter from the Attorneys General for Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nebraska, Texas and Virginia who joined South Carolina’s Attorney General in ratcheting up the rhetoric even more, by co-signing a letter to the NLRB’s prosecutor-in-chief, Lafe Solomon.
More of the Usual Hypocrisy on the Left
Guess The State
Facing crushing financial burdens, lawmakers took on the labor unions and voted to strip collective bargaining rights from teachers, police officers and government employees with the goal of saving taxpayers $100 million in the next year alone. Can you name that state?
If you said Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida or New Jersey, you'd be wrong. The latest state to tackle the fiscal mess created by the unions is … Massachusetts!
Tuesday, the Democrat-dominated state House voted 111-to-42 to roll back collective bargaining rights.
That Massachusetts liberals are following the example of conservative Republican governors would seem like news. But the liberal media have no desire to explain to you that conservative ideas actually work. They want you to think that Republicans are dysfunctional and can't run anything. The media's double standard is disgusting, and matched only by the hypocrisy of the left.
Where were the union protestors? Where were the college students and radical activists storming the state House in Boston? I guess it is okay when Democrats "assault unions" and workers' rights. By the way, where are all the anti-war protestors marching against Obama's war of choice in Libya? Did Obama go to war for Libya's oil?
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Quote of the Day
“We need you to come in and lock shields, and strengthen up the men who are going to the fight for you. To let these other women know on the other side — these planned Parenthood women, the Code Pink women, and all of these women that have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness — to let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient. That’s what we need you to do. Because if you don’t, then the debt will continue to grow…deficits will continue to grow.”
May 5th: National Day of Prayer
From Victoria Cobb, President of The Family Foundation of Virginia
Event Alert: National Day of Prayer Celebrations
Next Thursday, May 5, is the 60th annual National Day of Prayer observance. The theme for this year’s observance is “A Mighty Fortress is our God” from Psalm 91.
Just last month, the Seventh U.S. Court of Appeals upheld the right of Americans to continue this observation of God’s involvement in “the affairs of men,” as Benjamin Franklin so aptly put it at the Constitutional Convention over 200 years ago. The suit against National Day of Prayer had been brought by the Freedom from Religion Foundation.
In 1952, President Harry Truman signed into law a declaration that every president must proclaim a National Day of Prayer on the day of his choosing. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan took President Truman’s declaration one step further and set the first Thursday of May as the official National Day of Prayer. Since then, President Reagan, President George H.W. Bush, and President George W. Bush have marked this day with a White House observance and all presidents have issued commemorative proclamations. For many years, a special prayer service has been held in the East Room.
At noon next Thursday, many localities around the nation and here in Virginia will be holding observances with state and local officials, pastors and ministry leaders. You can find an observance in your area by clicking here. Please be careful to note the specific details and locations of each event. Many churches are also open for prayer services at noon and throughout the day.
If you can not attend an observance, please consider taking some time out of your day to specifically pray for our nation, President Obama, Governor McDonnell, Lieutenant Governor Bolling, Attorney General Cuccinelli, U.S. Senator Warner, U.S. Senator Webb, your congressman, your state senator and delegate, as well your local elected leaders. Each of these people has a powerful effect on the lives of Virginians.
Also, learn more about the 7 x 7 campaign to pray for the seven centers of power in our country seven days a week by clicking here.
Listen: Radio Interview about Black Genocide
Terry Beatley is the guest on the Jon Cash show, WHKT 1650 AM, Hampton Roads, Va., where she explains the Eugenics connection to Planned Parenthood, and the systematic attack upon the black American population.
Today: 3-4 PM, Watch a discussion on Israel
Evangelicals & Israel
This afternoon I will be participating in a discussion with Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, Executive Vice President of the Rabbinical Assembly, before an audience of 1,000 people. Our topic will be Evangelical support for Israel. The event is being hosted by the American Jewish Committee's Global Forum, and is part of our continuing work with Christians United for Israel.
This audience will include many people who are skeptical of Evangelicals' support for Israel. The American Jewish Committee is among the more liberal Jewish groups, and its members generally don't agree with us on other values issues.
As Israel faces growing uncertainty in an ever-chaotic Middle East, I hope to break through the skepticism that divides Evangelicals and Jews so that we can work together to combat the Islamofascists who want us all dead, regardless of our faith or politics. I would appreciate your prayers as I take part in this conversation.
I invite you to watch our discussion online this afternoon from 3:00 to 4:00 PM EST. To register for this session of the AJC Global Forum, click here.
Video Pick of the Day
Hawaiian Birth Certificate Comments
“… I had two children born in Hawaii, one at Kapiolani and the other at Tripler Army Hospital, 1958 and 1960 respectively both have long form Certificate of Registered Births. Obama was actually born in Kenya. Under Section 57 of the Territorial Public Health Statustics Act in the 1955 Revised Laws of Hawaii (which were in effect in 1961), a mailed-in-form (without mention of a hospital, doctor, or midwife) signed by one of his parents (who could have been out the country and pre-signed a form or whose signature could have been forged by a grandparent) would have been enough to set up a birth record and birth certificate at the Dept. of Health.
The Dept. of Health would then have automatically sent the names of the parents, their address as given on the mailed-in form, the gender of the child, and the date of birth to the Honolulu Advertiser and Star-Bulletin. (The address given for the parents in the newspaper announcements is actually, however, the August 1961 home address oof Obama’s maternal grandparents Stanley and Madelyn Dunham [6085 Kalanianaole Highway], and not the 1961 home address of Barack Obama, Sr. [625 11th Ave.])
This notification would then have automatically generated the newspaper announcements. (This was the practice of the Honolulu Advertiser and Star-Bulletin at the time.)”
Comment by 1brew
“I did not believe the validity of this birth certificate either for several reasons. Number one being that there is no such place as Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, nor has any Kapiolani hospital ever been located on Kalanianaole Hwy. I lived in Hawaii for 32 years and had the good (or misfortune) to go to several of the different hospitals in Hawaii. I also still have children who live there. No such place. And, for further info try http://www.catholicbook.com lots of good info there. You have to go down the page a bit to find the BHO info. But it’s there.”
Comment by kakelina
“Just wondering……where’s the State Seal?? I was also born in Honolulu in 1959 at Tripler Army Hospital and I think even MY certificate has some kind of raised seal on it. Or at least later in life when I requested a copy it came with a raised state seal? And that copy was on white paper. MY parents of course were 100% bona fide American citizens with my dad in the Marines stationed at Kaneohe. Hawaii at the time too was still a “territory” and not yet a state when I was born, etc.”
Comment by Phillydawg
May 9th: JATP Forum
from Jefferson Area Tea Party
Our Founding American Principles
The Economy May Be the Least of Our Worries
Monday, May 9, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Lane Auditorium, Albemarle County Office Building
401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA
Our featured speaker will be Michael J. Del Rosso, Senior Fellow for Homeland and National Security at The Center for Security Policy and Research Fellow in National Security Policy at The Claremont Institute.
This forum will examine our founding American principles as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, and the rights and obligations of American citizens. The Totalitarian Doctrines of America's contemporary threats, domestic and foreign, will be examined from the perspective of their conflict with American principles and the immediate dangers they present to the Republic.
If you think America's existence and your peace and prosperity are guaranteed, think again. In the past one hundred years, totalitarian forces in many incarnations have threatened America's existence. Unfortunately, this is still the case today. What is different today is that America may be at a greater disadvantage than ever because we are unable to or unwilling to identify our enemies, their doctrines and their objectives. More troublesome, Americans have steadily been growing more ignorant of our own American principles and doctrines. We are ignoring Sun Tzu's 2600 year old admonition to "know your enemies and know yourself" at our own peril. In many ways we presently know neither, and as the rest of the quote goes "if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle."
This forum is free of charge and open to the public and media.
Mr. Del Rosso will answer questions from the audience following his presentation.
The mission of The Claremont Institute for the study of statesmanship and political philosophy is to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life.
Save the Date: May 7th!
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RSVP by May 2, 2011
Mail Check Payable to:
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10054 Southpoint Parkway
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Bring a Canned Food Item to Help Support Our Community.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Quote of the Day
"The city of Dearborn's position is that Muslims are so violent and irrational that they won't be able to control themselves if Jones holds a protest? And he has to pay for damages? Why wouldn't the marauding Muslim hordes pay the damages if they are doing the damage? And if they get violent, why aren't they in jail?"
Pamela Geller, pointing out Dearborn, Michigan's soft bigotry of low expectations
Email of the Day
Monday, April 25, 2011
Quote of the Day
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Quote of the Day
"...Muhammad married a child. The example of Muhammad, "a beautiful pattern of conduct" according to Qur'an 33:21, cannot be set aside, or standards he set "updated," lest one imply Muhammad made a mistake. That would not only insult Muhammad (things seem to become flammable when that happens) but go against the Qur'an's endorsement of him, and therefore Allah's."
That is why child marriage persists in the Islamic world, from Nigeria to Yemen to Indonesia:
"The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)." -- Bukhari 7.62.88
An Obama Gun Grab
from Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights
The ATF has their anti-gun sights set on your SHOTGUN.
The ATF’s ridiculously anti-gun study suggests that certain, and in many cases very random, criteria would make a shotgun unable to be imported. Those random criteria include:
• Folding, telescoping or collapsible stocks;
• Bayonet lugs;
• Flash suppressors;
• Magazines over 5 rounds, or a drum magazine;
• Integrated rail systems;
• Light enhancing devices;
• Excessive weight (greater than 10 pounds for a 12 gauge);
• Excessive bulk;
• Forward pistol grip.
The ATF Study on the Importability of Certain Shotguns is nothing short of an assault on the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
The implication of certain shotguns being more dangerous than others simply because one may have a light or be “excessively heavy” is ludicrous and shows a blatant lack of knowledge regarding home defense shotguns.
Furthermore, attempting to redefine what constitutes a “sporting purpose” shotgun shows a willful disregard for both shooting sports in general and, specifically, the individual gun owner.
They have opened up a comment period – open until April 30 – by which the general public can voice their opinions on this “study.”
Email of the Day
Will You Ever Sell Your House?
DID you know that if you sell your house after 2012 you will pay a 3.8% sales tax on it? That's $3,800 on a $100,000 home etc. When did this happen? It's in the healthcare bill. Just thought you should know..
So, this is "change you can believe in"?
Under the new health care bill - did you know that all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% Sales Tax? The bulk of these new taxes don't kick in until 2013 If you sell your $400,000 home, there will be a $15,200 tax. This bill is set to screw the retiring generation who often downsize their homes. Does this stuff make your November 2012 vote more important?
Oh, you weren't aware this was in the obama-care bill? Guess what, you aren't alone. There are more than a few members of Congress that aren't aware of it either
Check it out at the link below.
Why am I am sending you this? The same reason I hope you forward this single person in your address book because another election is coming soon, be aware!
Friday, April 22, 2011
April 26th: Reception for Del. Scott Lingamfelter
You are cordially invited to a reception
in honor of Delegate L. Scott Lingamfelter
with Special Guest
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
At the home of Hazel and Clyde Kizer
4287 Ringwood Road
Nokesville, VA
Individual Ticket - $25 per person
For more information, please call 703-201-7776 or email Gretchen@gretchenmoss.com.
You may also RSVP by visiting his website: www.VA31st.com
Quote of the Day
"The Obama administration has neglected Christian persecution, choosing instead to pursue a "partnership" and "broader engagement based upon mutual interest and mutual respect" with what the president and much of the media often refer to as the "Muslim world."
But that term -- "Muslim world" -- is a misnomer. It serves only to reinforce the idea that Christians do not belong in the Middle East. As we know from the Bible, however, Christianity was born in the Middle East and predates Islam there by 700 years."
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families