Monday, November 21, 2022

A Republican Majority Should Work for Americans

By Congressman Bob Good

It took 10 days, but the November elections have been called, and Republicans will have the majority in the House of Representatives next year. It is time for us to get to work on behalf of the American people.

America has accumulated national debt totaling more than $31 trillion as a result of unprecedented reckless spending. This is not a one-party problem, it is a Washington problem. Too often, Republicans have joined with Democrats to pass massive spending bills. The most recent out-of-control spending sprees have contributed to record inflation and devastated family budgets.

Our border is wide open and is effectively under the control of the Mexican crime cartels that are making billions of dollars from human and drug trafficking. At the same time, millions of lethal doses of fentanyl are pouring across the border and killing 300 Americans per day.

The teacher union bosses forced schools to close during COVID, and the test scores now reveal the expect decline in academic achievement. Instead of working to correct the problem and refocusing on academic excellence, they are pushing racist agendas, woke ideology, and a harmful anti-America agenda.

For the past two years, Democrats have had total control of Washington. And on issue after issue, they have failed the American people, eroded our constitutional rights, and attacked our long-held traditional values. Republicans must seize the opportunity to defund a government run amok.

We need leaders in Washington who are dedicated to turning the page on the status quo and truly fighting the radical policies of the Left. Sadly, too many are more concerned about their next plum committee assignment or what they can do for the powerful special interests. Our nation is at a crossroad, and we must step up, meet the moment, and combat the Democrat America-last policies to get our country back on the right path.