Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Is the GOP dead?

By Gary Bauer    (excerpt)

Donald Trump is one man. He's not in charge of fundraising for the GOP.  That's Mitch McConnell's job. That's Kevin McCarthy's job. That's the RNC's job. 

Mitch McConnell abandoned Don Bolduc in New Hampshire. McConnell and his corporate allies did not lift a finger to help Blake Masters in Arizona. Let me tell you where they did go all out for candidates.

McConnell was "all in" for Joe O'Dea in Colorado -- the epitome of what the GOP establishment wants their candidates to be: totally non-ideological, bland and business as usual. 

But O'Dea, Mitch's "perfect candidate," was utterly smashed on Election Day. His defeat was one of the first races called on Tuesday night.  Why would grassroots activists jump out of bed to elect a milquetoast moderate like O'Dea when he's exactly the kind of "go-along-to-get-along" Chamber of Commerce type they're fighting against? 

That is the Country Club Republicanism that has allowed America to be methodically pulled to the left, even when the GOP wins!

Our culture is melting down. Our values keep getting trashed.  The debt keeps getting bigger. The border remains wide open. But they were "all in" for a big fat zero in Colorado. 

That brings me to Alaska, where McConnell spent $9 million to ensure the reelection of Lisa Murkowski, the most unreliable Republican in the Senate, who is actively supporting Democrats and fighting Republicans in her state. But it's worse than that. 

McConnell's ads in Alaska trashed a young, conservative pro-life woman. Democrats didn't have to lift a finger. McConnell did their dirty work for them.

Now Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and Mitt Romney are going to tell us what we did wrong and how smart they are! Give me a break.

Why Are They Still Running?

GOP leaders in both the House and the Senate are running as hard as they can to secure their leadership posts. They obviously believe they deserve to be rewarded for the fine efforts they made and the results they delivered this year. (That was sarcasm.)

What do you think? Have so-called GOP "leaders" earned their positions? Should their "contracts" be renewed for another two years?

And what about accountability? 

The Washington establishment wants to tell Donald Trump "You're fired!" over last week's fiasco, but Trump's not in charge. He's not running the party committees. Will any of the so-called "professionals" take any responsibility for what happened?

A party that shows such disdain for its own voters will not survive for long.