Saturday, November 12, 2022

One Reporter Speaks The Truth

By Gary Bauer

Today News Africa correspondent Simon Ateba, one of the reporters at the White House yesterday, wrote a scathing column about the "rigged" press conference. Just consider these excerpts:

"Many things at the White House are rigged, especially press briefings or press conferences. Questions are often sent in advance by the same set of reporters who get called on all the time. . . For the people watching at home, it all appears to be normal. . . In reality, it's a show, a sham, the appearance of normality. . .


"When I first arrived in the United States, having watched CNN for years, I came to believe that the racists and the bad guys in the United States were the Republicans. . .  But in the Biden White House, as I have struggled . . . to be treated with the same dignity as others, I came to realize that the Republicans were not the racists and the horrible, awful people I was told they were."