Monday, November 3, 2008

This Election Day -- Fight Voter Fraud!

Suspect Voter Fraud?
Call 1-866-976-Vote or e-mail You can e-mail pictures from your camera cell phones.
Help Ensure an Honest Election!

The McCain-Palin campaign is committed to ensuring that every qualified voter has the opportunity to vote and that all lawfully cast votes are not cancelled out by fraudulent votes.

Elections should be decided by voters, not lawyers

Just four years ago, Democrats and their allies engaged in a number of troubling instances of voter fraud and intimidation.
    • In Pennsylvania, votes for John Kerry were found on machines before the polls opened.
    • In Wisconsin, John Kerry campaign workers slashed the tires of 25 vans the GOP were going to use to get out the vote and transport poll watchers.
    • In Philadelphia, a gun was shown to Republican poll watchers in an effort to intimidate them.

This year, ACORN and its affiliates are working with the Obama campaign to help elect Barack Obama the next President of the United States, while engaging in widespread voter registration fraud.

    • ACORN is currently under investigation for voter fraud in 14 states, including nearly every battleground state. According to election officials across the country, about 50% of ACORN's voter registrations are fictitious.

Voter registration fraud results in voter fraud.

    • Many states do not require identification and with absentee ballots there is the potential for voter fraud.
    • The kind of systematic voter fraud practiced by ACORN can overwhelm local and state election officials by "flooding the system."
    • It is impossible to determine the amount of voter fraud that can take place, but we do know that the main intent for voter registration fraud is to commit voter fraud.

In the past, Democrats have sought to change the subject by claiming that Republicans are engaging in voter intimidation and suppression efforts. In fact in 2004, a Democrat Election Day Playbook instructed workers and volunteers to allege voter suppression and intimidation even if there were no instances of it occurring.

Condemning Suppression

The McCain campaign condemns any type of voter suppression or voter intimidation.

In past campaigns, Democrats have instructed workers to claim that voter suppression and intimidation is occurring, even when there is no proof that it actually is. In 2004, a Democrat Election Day Playbook, specifically called for this tactic to be used.

The charge that our effort to ensure that every lawful vote counts is the equivalent of suppression is absurd and Orwellian.

Democrat accusations of voter suppression are intended to distract the public from voter registration fraud and voter fraud by ACORN efforts.