Friday, September 11, 2009

Dems Try to Turn 9/11 into Another Earth Day

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council Action, analyzes another Obama's policy shift that helps to make America less safe.

Needed: Vigilance not Volunteerism

Today marks the 8th anniversary of the Islamic terrorists' attacks on the United States . Thankfully, America has not suffered an organized attack on our soil since that fateful day. There is a reason, or should I say reasons. 9/11 was a wake up call for Americans, first to be vigilant. After President Reagan won the Cold War, we failed to stand guard against the advancing ideologies that were hostile to the ideals of self government, individual freedom and ordered liberty. 9/11 reminded us we have to defend our ideals and protect our people. Secondly, it was also a wake up call to Christians to be more vigilant in praying for our nation and its leaders. There is an effort, however, to replace this vigilance with volunteerism.

In April, President Obama signed a bill changing the focus from prayer to service. He declared September 11th the National Day of Service and Remembrance. According to Matthew Vadum, writing in the American Spectator, the recently dethroned green czar, Van Jones, and others within the White House were using this National Day of Service to push the green agenda in hopes of taking back 9/11 from the "Right" who have used it as "a day of fear that helps Republicans, into a day of activism that helps the Left."

As a citizen, a Marine veteran and former police officer, I'm convinced that Americans should not and cannot tolerate our security being used as a political football. Transforming a day on which we reflect upon the tragic loss of human life, the heroic sacrifices made to protect and defend that life and earnestly pray for our nation's divine protection into a day on which we focus on service and volunteerism as part of a left wing agenda is not a subtle shift of priorities--it is a significant, and even dangerous, change.