Friday, September 4, 2009

Quote of the Day

Van Jones: Obama’s Communist Truther?

I don’t know how many of you happened to catch Glenn Beck’s show yesterday evening, but it was “must see TV.” There’s an old saying in Washington, which I have often quoted, “Personnel is policy.” Lately, Glenn Beck has been focusing on the people Obama has appointed as “czars” in his administration. This is important because in politics, you do your best to appoint individuals who share your values and philosophy – folks you believe can be trusted to carry out your vision. That’s what makes the appointment of Van Jones extremely worrisome.

I worked in a presidential administration for eight years, two of them in the Reagan White House. Every aspect of your life is an open book. The FBI investigation conducted on me before I was hired went back to friends I had known for 20 years. Every facet of your life is investigated. There is nothing they don’t know. It is inconceivable that Obama did not know about Jones’ past.

Here are two links to segments of Glenn’s show last night: Personnel is policy and Jones 9/11 Truther. Please watch them both and be certain to share this report with friends and family members. I encourage you to share these videos with your Democrat friends. Respectfully ask them if this is what they voted for and how they expected Obama to govern.

Now, let me state the obvious: Old Media completely failed on this, just as they ignored Jeremiah Wright. It has been left to Glenn Beck and other conservatives to expose the radicals in this administration and the radical ideology they are pursuing. This is why it is so important for folks like you, who care about faith, family and freedom, to support CWF. If we can take back Congress next year, we can stop Obama’s socialism! (Click here to get the bumper sticker.)

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families