- Liberal Books Favored: The networks covered liberal books three times as often (36 to 12) as conservatives.
- Liberal Authors Favored: 79 percent of the liberal authors on the list received at least a mention on the networks, compared to just 36 percent of conservatives.
- Levin Snubbed: The book that was by far the most successful in both longevity and position on the Best-Seller List, Mark Levin’s “Liberty and Tyranny” did not garner a single network mention.
- Interviewers Hostile to Conservative Authors: When conservative authors did appear on the networks, they were greeted with skepticism and adversarial questions. Conversely, liberal books were complimented.
- ABC the Worst: ABC was the least balanced of the three networks, favoring liberals eight mentions to two (four to one). NBC was a close second at 20 mentions to six.
- CBS the Best: CBS did the best job ensuring ideological balance in its book coverage, mentioning liberal books eight times and conservative books five times.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Another Reason Not to Watch the State-Run Media
The Culture and Media Institute discovered a glaring imbalance in network coverage of liberal best sellers vs. comparable conservative titles.
Read the full text of this report here.