Friday, September 25, 2009

Pathological Narcissist Has Only One True Love

Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, points out the numbers that confirm the rapacious love affair going on in the White House.

Obama’s Biggest Fan: Himself

I have often criticized the liberal media for their love affair with Barack Obama. Whether their distorting the facts in the healthcare bill, or essentially letting Obama takeover their airwaves, as he did this past Sunday, the media are all Obama all the time. However, Dan Gainor, a weekly columnist in the Fox Forum on Fox News, produced a study finding that Big Media is not Barack Obama’s biggest fan. That honor goes to Barack Obama himself.

Gainor says that in 41 speeches this year, not including the disastrous one he gave yesterday at the U.N., Obama used the word “I” or “me” an astonishing 1,200 times. That includes only his 34 weekly addresses and seven major speeches. If we were to count every interview and speech Obama has given since he was inaugurated, the numbers would be off the charts.

Moreover, from his inauguration in January to the sevent-month mark in August, Obama conducted 114 interviews. To put that in perspective, in their first seven months in office, Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton did 37 and 41 interviews respectively. If Obama continues at this rate, he will exceed all the interviews by former presidents combined! The man is truly in love with himself.

I long for the days when the president spoke to the American people about “us,” not about himself. President Reagan would often use “we” in his speeches when talking about the crises the country faced when confronting the Soviet Union and communism. It appears this president thinks the presidency is all about him when it is suppose to be all about America.