Sunday, September 23, 2012

Just Released: FRC Action's 112th Congress Vote Scorecard

Download the Scorecard

From January through August of this year, a divided Congress struggled with the uncertainty of President Obama's health care law, the challenges of a weak economy, and the consequences of their own failure to fund the government in regular order. In the midst of these challenges, members of the House and Senate did take up a number of key votes impacting the future of pro-life, pro-family policies in Washington. FRC Action has compiled these votes in its scorecard for the second session of the 112thCongress, and we encourage you to take a look and see how well your elected officials have been representing your values.

Taking into account six votes in the House and seven in the Senate, we honor 102 Congressmen and five Senators as "True Blue" -- men and women who voted consistently with FRC Action's position on a cross-section of issues affecting the family. To see how your elected officials stack up on the year's most important legislation, click here to download a PDF of the Vote Scorecard.

Thank you for standing with us to defend and advance Faith, Family, and Freedom!

Tony Perkins, President
Family Research Council Action