Thursday, August 7, 2008

Missionary team arrested in China

Note to NBC's Matt Lauer from the land of 80% Happy Chinese People, who are so much happier with their lot in life than most Americans: Repressive totalitarian Communism = 100% less freedom, that's freedom of speech, religious freedom, and freedom of the press, Matt.

Please add Faith and Action's China missionary team to your prayer list.

Report From China!

Our China missionary team was arrested and detained after they held public prayer and preaching services in Tiananmen Square. We do not yet know where they are being held. According to our team leader, Rev. Pat Mahoney, "We were in Tiananmen Square publicly praying for the people of China when police forcefully dragged us across the street."

Their efforts are a bold and prophetic witness against the tyranny and brutality by the Chinese government against their own people. As the Summer Olympics are being celebrated, millions of Christians and those with other faith traditions are routinely oppressed, tortured and jailed by Chinese officials.

China continues to promote the barbaric practice of forced abortion and sterilization, while those who speak out against human rights abuses by the Chinese government are crushed and trampled.

Please pray for our team’s safety and continued success as they stand in solidarity with oppressed Chinese believers and carry the hope of the Gospel to those fellow Christians in China who risk their lives every day.

Although our primary efforts at Faith and Action are aimed at our nation’s leaders, we also intend to actively reach out and relieve the suffering of victims of religious persecution around the world as well as promote the fundamental God-given right of religious liberty, both here and abroad.

We’ll keep you informed!

Your grateful missionary to our Nation’s leaders,

Rev. Rob Schenck