Monday, August 11, 2008

Quote of the Day

"More than a week ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in Congress voted to leave Washington, skipping town for five weeks without passing legislation to help lower gas prices.

But while Democrats have been on vacation, House Republicans have continued to fight for solutions to high gas prices.

Despite Democrats killing the lights, shutting off the cameras, and cutting the microphones, Republican Members of Congress have stayed on the House floor to demand a vote on the American Energy Act and talk with visitors to our nation's Capitol about the need for an "All of the Above" energy reform plan.

The support from the public in the House chamber is overwhelming -- as is the support from Americans across the country. And Americans everywhere are asking:

"Why won't the Democrats allow a vote on legislation that increases the supply of American-made energy, improves energy conservation and efficiency, and promotes the development and use of alternative and renewable energy technology?"

It's a common-sense plan and all House Republicans are asking for is a vote."

Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee