Take the historic Potomac Eagle Scenic Railroad on October 14th and enjoy one of America's most beautiful train rides. Enjoy a narrated excursion through a tranquil and pristine mountain valley and watch our magnificent national symbol, the American Bald Eagle soar high above in their natural habitat, undisturbed by the low rumblings of the occasional train and the passengers who have come for a sighting. No hiking required.
The trip is sponsored by Madison County Republican Women. Tickets are $75. per person and include a box lunch. Transportation to the train will be provided by David Messick, Owner/Operator of the Blue Ridge Coach Line. Passengers will board the bus at the Brightwood Ruritan Club, 7:00 AM and return around 5:00 PM. To sign up call (540) 923-4300. You may also sign up at MCRW's August 19th meeting at the Madison Presbyterian Church, 6:30 PM, and at Taste Of The Mountains, August 30th, Booth #56, near the Court House. Seating is limited.