Saturday, January 24, 2009

Quote of the Day

"If our economy is shedding jobs, why not cut taxes so that businesses can hire people, advertise and expand? If health care is too costly then why don't we get the government out of regulating it, stop giving it to illegal aliens and have legal reform to keep lawyers from draining the medical industry of its money?

If our schools are failing, why not break the iron fist of the National Education Association (NEA) and other powerful Democrat-affiliated unions, and provide real choice and opportunity that rewards excellence? If our energy policies strengthen our adversaries then why don't we take our business elsewhere by tapping our own oil and gas reserves?

These are obvious solutions that would offer immediate benefits to the American people. But common sense isn't exactly flowing from the Democrats and until we see otherwise, we can't expect it from Obama himself."

Jeffrey M. Frederick, Chairman
Republican Party of Virginia