Wednesday, January 21, 2009
IMF Gave Geithner Money to Pay his Taxes
What They Are Saying about Geithner's Confirmation
Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) on Tim Geithner's tax mistakes, "[Geithner] does not provide a satisfactory explanation for the problem and certainly not one [worthy] of a high-ranking public official."
"Geithner's failure to pay all of his taxes until he was to be nominated is hard to explain to my constituents who pay taxes on a regular basis."
Geithner said that his mistakes were "careless mistakes, avoidable mistakes, but they were unintentional. I should have been more careful. I take full responsibility for them. I have gone back and corrected the errors; I have paid what I owed."
"How much would the nominee's tax history reflect on the secretary?" Senator Grassley asked.
"How much does this troubled tax history reflect on his judgment?" Senator Grassley asked.
Senate Finance Committee-Geithner was asked how he prepared his own taxes.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) asked: "Did you use tax software to prepare your taxes?"
Geithner: "Yes, I did."
Grassley: "Which brand of tax software?"
Geithner: "I will answer that, but I want to say I take full responsibility....It was TurboTax."
Call your Senators and express concern. Contact information can be found at 202-224-3124 or
Source: The Washington Post