Dear Ministry Partner,
Campus Crusade for Christ recently received the following note:
"As a former air commando in Vietnam ... I know the importance of God in my life. Without this divine connection I know that I would not have survived my war. That personal relationship is extremely important in a normal life, but it's accelerated when in harm's way. Hopefully whoever gets this [Rapid Deployment Kit] will feel this access of power that is available as you become one with God..."
As this note highlights, the RDK seach containing a New Testament, a daily devotional, and an evangelistic booklet that people like you have helped provide mean so much to our troops. For many soldiers, especially those heading into harm's way, these Kits are an essential part of their geara vital resource they can turn to at any time offering assurance of God's faithfulness.
Campus Crusade's Military Ministry continues to receive requests for an average of about 10,000 to 15,000 Rapid Deployment Kits each month. To learn how you can help place God's Word into the hands of service members, click here.
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Thank you for your support and prayers for our troops.
Blessings in Christ,
Megan HawkesDirector, Donor Relations
Campus Crusade for Christ International
All gifts are tax deductible. 2008