Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Data Centers Do Not Belong...

When plans for adding data centers to Prince William County were introduced, We The People were clear about the unintended consequences and negative impacts they would bring to our communities. Unfortunately, our fears are becoming a reality.

Recently, Dominion Energy announced the current electrical grid cannot sustain the addition of more data centers.

To make up for this shortfall, data center developers are lobbying to use diesel generators to supplement the lack of power. Diesel particulate matter, a byproduct of diesel generator exhaust, is linked to several serious public health problems, including aggravating asthma, heart and lung disease, cancer, and premature mortality.

Now The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is considering a variance to the State Air Pollution Control Regulations to accommodate data center diesel generators. 

Just yesterday, the DEQ held public comment time to hear from the citizens about the harmful nature of data centers. The room was packed with citizens opposing the obvious environmental, health, and noise issues this proposal brings. I was proud to stand in front of the DEQ to share my thoughts with FOX5 on the matter.

Josh's interview with FOX5 on data centers
My stance on this is clear; data centers don't belong near our schools, in our neighborhoods, or in the rural crescent!

As your Delegate, I will always fight to keep our families, neighborhoods, and national parks safe.

Josh Quill
Republican Candidate
Virginia House of Delegates, District 21