Heavenly Father, these are days of personal reflection and worry for our country, its direction and the impact of the country's future on those we love. So much of what we are experiencing makes us feel like things are out of control.
Walk alongside us and whisper to us that You know all we are experiencing and feeling and that You are right there with us. Let us be open to the balm you offer each of us just where we are. And prompt us to not only know you are right there with us, but to seek Your guidance and be open to following Your lead in our lives.
Bring us peace amidst the storms in our personal lives and the life of our country. Remind us that You are The God of All Comfort in each of life's seasons.
Dear Lord, take our hand and lead us away from a sense of feeling helpless. Plant in our minds the seeds of encouragement, purpose and initiative. Surround us with others of like mind that we may build up one another as Your word tells us (Thessalonians 5:11).
Prompt us to be strong and courageous and keep our eyes on You as we labor in the vineyards this side of heaven. Show us how to be happy warriors standing for You in a challenging culture. Amen.