Monday, January 15, 2024

Eddie Garcia for U.S. Senate:We Honor MLK's Legacy of Equality and Justice for All Americans

Hi Friends,

On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we reflect on the incredible legacy of a man who championed justice, equality, and unity. Dr. King recognized the need for a fair and just government worked for all Americans..


Dr. King's dream of a nation where everyone is judged by their character,
not their background or the color of their skin resonates deeply with me. As a 22-year Army veteran, dedicated to a life of service, I've had the privilege of serving alongside individuals from diverse backgrounds in our military, witnessing firsthand the strength that comes from a united people.

Today, in these most crucial times, let us recommit ourselves to a nation that values every individual, regardless of their background. Together, let's continue the journey toward a more perfect union, a Better Tomorrow.

MLKDay #Unity #ServiceToAllAmericans