Thursday, January 4, 2024

Scott Parkinson: Help Me Get on the Ballot

It's Scott Parkinson, Republican candidate for US Senate in Virginia. With 2024 among us, we are now entering the next phase of our campaign. Over the next few months, our campaign will be gathering signatures across the commonwealth so that my name will be on the ballot in June for the Primary Election.


I'm reaching out today to ask for your help in collecting signatures. If you're able to join us on a Saturday or even walk your own neighborhood and collect signatures, click the button below and tell us where in Virginia you can help us collect signatures! 


I am so grateful for your support and help. 2024 will be the year that we finally restore freedom and accountability to our government when we retire Tim Kaine once and for all! We hope you'll join us!




Scott Parkinson
Candidate, U.S. Senate (VA)