Friday, January 19, 2024

Jonathan Emord: We Must Defend Women's Rights

Female Sports should not be a safe space for failed male athletes.

U.S. Senate Candidate Jonathan Emord will introduce legislation to stop government sponsored abuse of girls and women. His opponent, Tim Kaine (Hillary Clinton's former running mate), supports Biden's policies that violate women's rights and privacy.

Biden's Department of Education wants biological males who declare themselves female to have unlimited access to all girls and women's bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams—at every school, college, hospital, police station, fire department, public park, theater, and rest stop (literally every public place).

We must not allow Biden and Kaine to get away with this. Girls and women will not be safe.

Perverts will have a license to assault and rape girls and women.

Failed male athletes will dominate all girl's and women's sports.

Stand with Jonathan Emord as he fights to end these abuses of girls and women.