Saturday, January 27, 2024

Congressman Bob Good: Texas On the Frontlines

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court ruled that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) could remove razor wire Texas has been using to try to secure our Southern Border. Texas is trying to step into the gap and protect their citizens from further harm from the Biden Administration's open border policies. I was pleased to see Governor Youngkin declare his public support for Texas Governor Abbott's efforts.

Unfortunately, the Biden Administration is doing everything it can to fight Texas' efforts and prevent Governor Abbott from protecting his citizens. Governor Abbott should take it to another level, and start actually returning illegals back to Mexico, and dare the Biden Administration to try and stop them.

Meanwhile, Senate Republicans are negotiating a secret backroom deal with the Biden Administration that, according to reports, would permit 5,000 daily illegal border crossings, continue to permit unlimited "parole" of illegals into the country, give automatic work permits to everyone who crosses the border illegally, and bail out blue cities who previously declared themselves to be sanctuaries. This deal would literally be worse than doing nothing, as it would not secure the border but it would give political cover to those who are perpetrating the border invasion. 

I have renewed my pledge not to continue to fund this federal government that is refusing to secure our borders and keep our citizens safe.