Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain-Palin has Dems frothing at the mouth and shaking in their left-wing tips

Democrat smears and media attacks.. What was that about hope and change, Mr. Barack? Looks like Liberals as usual.


Here Come The Attacks

Democrats and their radical leftwing allies are in panic mode, and the attacks are coming. Here are some headlines I want to share with you:

  • From Wednesday’s Los Angeles Times: “Palin bounce has Democrats off balance.”

  • From Politico yesterday: “Autumn Angst: Dems fret about Obama.”

  • From yesterday’s Christian Science Monitor: “Palin effect: Obama camp thrown off stride.”

  • From today’s Boston Globe: “[Obama supporter]Chafee calls Sarah Palin a ‘cocky wacko.’”

  • From yesterday’s Financial Times: “Democrats On Capitol Hill Fear Obama fallout.” (More on this below.)

  • From the front page of today’s New York Times: “Obama Plans Sharper Tone as Party Frets”
And here’s a charming headline from a writer at the leftwing website, “What’s the difference between Palin and Muslim fundamentalists? Lipstick.” The writer goes on to insinuate that Sarah Palin, a governor with an 80% approval rating, is a “theocrat.” As my former boss Ronald Reagan used to say, “There you go again.”

With most major polls showing the McCain/Palin ticket in the lead, today’s New York Times tells us that Obama will officially abandon the politics of “hope and change” and go negative. Meanwhile, his leftwing allies and media accomplices are resorting to their old tricks – trying to smear conservatives generally, and Sarah Palin specifically, as religious extremists.

It started immediately after her selection, but I had hoped it might let up a bit. After all, the religious bigotry of the Left did nothing to elect Al Gore or John Kerry. As the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result. Much has been made of the Democrats’ outreach to evangelicals, but instead of reaching out with a welcoming gesture, people of faith are getting slapped in face.

In recent days, the comments of Obama backers have been incredibly offensive and outrageous. For example, the chairwoman of the South Carolina Democrat Party said that Palin’s only qualification was the she had not had an abortion.

A Democrat representative from Tennessee compared Obama to Jesus Christ and Palin to Pontius Pilate. Don’t get the comparison? Well, Obama and Jesus were both “community organizers” and Palin and Pilate were both governors. We couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried!

The assault continued with Charlie Gibson’s interview, in which he appeared to assume the role of a prosecuting attorney, repeatedly pressing Palin under “cross-examination” about her experience, faith and comments she made on the war in Iraq. I believe she held up well, especially when she schooled Gibson on Abraham Lincoln’s view that Americans should pray that we are on God’s side.

The cultural elites neither understand nor appreciate America’s religious heritage, and their phobia of all things religious in the public square is increasingly obvious. They are attacking not only Sarah Palin, but they are also firing a warning shot at you and anyone else who might dare to bring faith into the public square. If they succeed in demonizing Palin, it will intimidate others. And if intimidation doesn’t work, there is always the power of Big Government through “hate crimes laws” and the Orwellian-named “Fairness Doctrine.”

Congress In Play!

If the latest Gallup poll is accurate, Democrats are right to be worried. Not only is Obama down, but congressional Democrats could be in danger too, as the Financial Times suggests. According to the latest Gallup poll, the Democrats have lost their huge lead in the generic congressional ballot question.

In February, registered voters preferred Democrat control of Congress by a whopping 15 points over Republicans, 55%-to-40%. Now it’s down to three points, 48%-to-45%, within the poll’s margin of error. But there’s more, and you might want to sit down for this one: Among likely voters, Republicans lead by five points – 50%-to-45%! (I suspect the Democrat oil embargo against America and your wallet might have something to do with those numbers!) These findings led the author of the Gallup report to note: “If these numbers are sustained through Election Day -- a big if -- Republicans could be expected to regain control of the U.S. House of Representatives.”

My friends, we can win this election! But it will take a tremendous effort from everyone who cares about preserving our cherished values of faith, family and freedom. Please take a few moments to make sure you and all your like-minded friends and family members are registered to vote. If you are not, or if anyone you know is not registered, please click this link to sign up today. Voter registration deadlines are approaching fast – October 6th in most states – so please act now!

For more on the importance of voting, please read my weekly column at

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families