Stand for Marriage
September 21 has been designated by a coalition of pro-family groups as "Stand for Marriage Sunday" across America. The goal is to ask congregations to stand in solidarity with the efforts in Arizona, Florida, and California to pass amendments to their respective state constitutions that will protect marriage between one man and one woman. The need is great. Polling numbers are slipping in Florida, which needs a 60% vote for passage. While California polls are conflicting, there is no question that it is close. A similar amendment failed in Arizona back in 2006, so there is no guarantee it will pass this year. The bottom line is that we need to pray for and support the efforts in all three states. As a part of FRC's commitment to communicate this critical need, we have produced a series of values voter videos, a couple of which focus exclusively on the need to protect traditional marriage. Watch the video and then e-mail it to a friend. Together we can take a strong stand for marriage.
Additional ResourcesValues Voter Videos
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Take a Stand
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council Action President, asks for your prayers and support to protect traditional marriage.