Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama: Not Looking After America's Interests

Liberals denigrates President Bush as a "cowboy" for eight years but Barack Obama seems determined to be a doormat.

Obama Reassures Muslim World – Scares This American

"Last night, President Barack Obama gave his first TV interview since his inauguration, and he chose an Arab language satellite network, the Al-Arabiya news channel. In his remarks, Obama makes two assertions that give us an insight into his worldview. It is not reassuring.

First, President Obama said he felt his “job” was to communicate “to the Muslim world … that the Americans are not your enemy.” Why does the president feel he must reassure Muslims that “Americans” are not their enemy? It was the United States that was attacked on 9/11 by jihadists acting in the name of Islam.

Our response to that cowardly attack was to send our military not to subjugate Muslims but to liberate millions of them in Iraq and Afghanistan from the rule of tyrants and thugs. People of both countries were able to vote for the first time in their lives. In Afghanistan today, in those areas where the U.S. is in control, Muslim girls are permitted to go to school. Where radical Islamists are in control, acid is thrown in the faces of girls who try to go to school, and their classrooms are blown up.

After the attack of 9/11, we went out of our way to ensure that mosques in the United States were safe from any kind of backlash. Throughout the Muslim world, Christians and Jews continue to be persecuted. But in spite of all the evidence of the good we have done, the president feels a need to tell Muslims that we are not their enemy.

President Obama told his Muslim audience that he had another task. Here’s how he put it: “And my job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives.” Even if the president is right, my first reaction is, “So what?” Those Muslims who simply want to enjoy peace and quiet are not the problem. It is the Muslims who nurture groups like Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and countless other murderous fanatics who matter most.

From London to Madrid, Manhattan to Mumbai, Beslan to Buenos Aires, it is those Islamists who have intentionally inflicted death and destruction on helpless civilians in the name of Allah. If only ten percent of the “Muslim world” supports these murderers, then our enemy numbers 150 million. Unfortunately, there is ample evidence that the number is larger. Add on top of that a virulent Jew-hatred that appears to infect even the populations of “moderate” Muslim countries, like Indonesia and Jordan, and the size of our problem becomes obvious.

The man in the Oval Office is unprepared for the job of keeping our country safe. His instincts are wrong. We have no need to apologize to the “Muslim world.” And we certainly should not deceive ourselves into thinking that Islamofascism is a small or isolated problem. Reality is likely eventually to educate the president. God forbid that it might take another 9/11 to do it. "

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families