Friday, July 31, 2009

Dem's Story has more Holes than Swiss Cheese

Erick Erickson, Editor at, exposes the bald-faced lies which Obama is trying to sell to a skeptical public.

The wannabe-socialists who pull the levers of the Democratic Party in America today have developed a narrative on the healthcare plan Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are currently trying to push through Congress.

That narrative goes that virtually everyone is unhappy with their healthcare plan, is in favor of massive change to the healthcare system, favors Obama's healthcare plan, and especially favors the so-called "public option." They are currently busy trying to sell this narrative (which they have created out of whole cloth) to the Blue Dogs and other Democrats who are beginning to get worried about a backlash in 2010.

The goal is to convince fence-sitting Democrats and Republicans that their fears of a backlash are totally unfounded and are just being artificially ginned up by the right-wing attack machine.

The only problem with this narrative is that there is no aspect of it which is true.

Please click here for the rest of the post.