Monday, March 25, 2024

Chasing Freedom - Virginia: CFV - Virginia Candidate Forums - US Senate, 7th and 10th Congressional

The US Senate and Congressional primaries are upon us. Over the last several weeks Chasing Freedom - Virginia hosted three candidate forums for the US Senate, VA07 and VA10 Congressional Districts.

All the candidates were invited (even the Democrat candidates). Some candidates have been convinced (by their consultants) they can just fund raise and BUY your vote with spam emails, mailers and big yard signs.

Please take time to watch and listen to these candidates. These forums are not just five minute sound bites. These candidates fielded tough questions regarding immigration and the economy.

Chasing Freedom - Virginia is about getting all of the candidate messages our. What are their actual values, what do they actually believe. Or you can do what you have always done and just look at the candidate with the biggest donors.

No other organization in Virginia is putting these candidates through their paces like Chasing Freedom - Virginia. These candidates have completed detailed surveys and will soon be sitting down for personal video interviews. You can find their surveys on our website.


These are important races this year as you know. Please share this email with everyone you know.


CFV is not about the most political endorsements, having the richest donors or being the "ordained" party nominee. Our vetting results will be published along with the candidates personal interviews on April 10th.

The CFV endorsed candidates in all 11 congressional districts, the candidate for Senate and for the Presidency will be announced April 19th.

Tom Speciale
Chair, CFV