Friday, March 29, 2024

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: VOC Remembers Senator Joseph Lieberman

The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation mourns the passing of Senator Joseph Lieberman. A lifelong advocate of liberty, a staunch anti-communist, and a recipient of VOC's Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom, Lieberman leaves behind an enduring legacy that will be remembered for generations to come. 

"America lost a great public servant with the passing of Senator Joseph Lieberman," said Dr. Eric Patterson, VOC's President and CEO. "Throughout his career, he was known for his compassion for the average citizen both at home and abroad, and the policies he championed emphasized the rule of law and equality of opportunity. He was also a true advocate for the fundamental rights and freedoms of people everywhere. He will be missed." 
Senator Joseph Lieberman was born February 24, 1942, in Stamford, Connecticut. After receiving a degree from Yale Law in 1967, he was elected to the Connecticut State Senate in 1970, voted in as Connecticut's Attorney General, serving from 1983 to 1988, and represented Connecticut in the U.S. Senate from 1989 to 2013. In Washington, Lieberman led the initiative to create the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and became a leading advocate for the Cuban people, who have long been oppressed under communist rule and continue to suffer today.  

"Senator Lieberman was a patriot, a true servant of the people, and a tireless advocate for the voiceless around the globe," remarked Amb. Andrew Bremberg, VOC's President Emeritus. "His passing will be felt by all of us at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation—and by those who continue the fight for liberty that he helped lead." 

Domestically, Lieberman championed a myriad of causes including equal opportunity for students seeking college education, better quality public schools, finance reform, and affordable healthcare. In 2000, Lieberman was Al Gore's running mate for the Democratic presidential campaign. Six years later, he won re-election for the Senate as an Independent. Lieberman was the author of many books including, In Praise of Public Life, and was awarded the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation's 
Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom in 2002 for his steadfast commitment to freedom and democracy, as well as his opposition to communism and all other forms of tyranny. 

Join us in remembering Senator Joseph Lieberman.