Saturday, March 16, 2013

March For Marriage

Gary L. Bauer
American Values

There is news this morning that Ohio's Rob Portman has become the first Senate Republican to publicly endorse same-sex "marriage." According to the reports, the senator's son is gay and that is why Portman has changed his opinion on the issue.

With all due respect to the senator, marriage predates him and his son. To suggest that his son being gay justifies abandoning several thousand years of Judeo-Christian belief is depressing. Not to mention that 62% of Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment preserving the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. But that amendment and others like it in more than two dozen states across the country are in jeopardy.

On March 26th the Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case seeking to redefine marriage. Just as it did with abortion, in which the Supreme Court imposed its morality on the people, the left is once again hoping that the high court will invalidate the will of millions of Americans and force same-sex "marriage" on every state in the union.

You and I may not have a vote in the Supreme Court, but we can still make our voices heard!

Join me in our nation's capital on Tuesday, March 26th for the March for Marriage. I am proud to co-sponsor the March for Marriage along with the National Organization for Marriage and other pro-family organizations.

Please share this report with like-minded friends, family members and fellow worshippers, and encourage them to attend. Visit for handouts, talking points, a schedule of the day's events and more.