Monday, March 25, 2013

Two Budgets, Two Futures


Congressman Robert Hurt

Weekly Column 3/25/2013


This past week, the House of Representatives adopted our fiscally responsible budget for the third time in as many years. At the same time, the Senate adopted its first budget for the first time in four years.


As a result, the people of Virginia’s 5th District and those across the country have a very real and a very stark choice between two budget blueprints. On the one hand, the United States Senate has offered a budget that asks hardworking Americans to pay more in taxes, allows for more spending rather than spending cuts, does not look out for those in or near retirement as it drives Medicare further into bankruptcy, and despite hiking taxes, never achieves balance. Their budget upholds the tax and spend status-quo in Washington and continues us on a path of debt, doubt, and decline.


In contrast, the budget we in the House have adopted abandons the status-quo that has brought us to a staggering $16 trillion debt, and instead reduces wasteful spending to balance the budget. Our budget is a document focused on ending our spending-driven debt problems and putting our country on a path to economic growth to help all Americans.


It protects our seniors by strengthening Medicare and ensuring a safe and secure retirement. It puts hard-earned paychecks back into the pockets of families by lowering tax rates and providing affordable American energy. And our budget gives our small businesses the confidence to expand and hire by removing debt that stifles investment and entrepreneurship. The budget we have adopted puts us on a path to responsibility, certainty, and prosperity.


But our budget is not just a document for today, it is also a document for tomorrow. Following in the footsteps of generations of Americans before us, our budget allows us to hand to our children a better and more prosperous America than was handed to us.


Our balanced budget is the only plan that confronts our debt problem now so our children will not have to foot the bill later.  Those across the country have a very distinct choice between two budgets and two futures. On behalf of the people of Virginia’s 5th District, I am proud to stand behind our balanced budget that leads us to a brighter and more prosperous future.


If you need any additional information, please visit my website at or call my Washington office: (202) 225-4711, Charlottesville office: (434) 973-9631, Danville office: (434) 791-2596, or Farmville office: (434) 395-0120.