Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rep. Robert Hurt Statement On The SKILLS Act

– Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of the Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills Act – a measure that will modernize our federal workforce training programs to ensure that they are efficiently and effectively helping workers, jobseekers, and employers:

"Our sluggish economy has left millions of Americans unemployed or underemployed. As we work to get 5th District Virginians and all Americans into good-paying jobs, workforce training is critical to helping our neighbors, friends, and family members get back to work. Now is the time for Congress to ensure the workforce programs in place are actually helping those they intend to help. While well-intended, current federal workforce programs are laden with confusing and costly red tape, and they are wasting billions of hard-earned tax dollars.  A strong workforce is critical to the future of our country, and today, by adopting the SKILLS Act, the House has taken a positive step to strengthen these programs, eliminate unnecessary waste, and get our people back to work."€