Monday, March 11, 2013

Now’s The Time for A Pro-Growth Budget

Congressman Robert Hurt

Weekly Column 3/11/13


As I travel across the 5th District, it remains clear that our families and small businesses are struggling. Rising fuel prices, higher taxes, increased regulations, and budget uncertainty are crushing our Main Street businesses making it harder for them to create the jobs our communities need.


Last week's unemployment report, while encouraging in that the jobless rate dropped, brought more bad news that our economy is not adding the jobs it needs to maintain a robust recovery. Additionally the report noted that more Americans continue to stop looking for jobs as they become discouraged in this struggling economy.


Over the past two years, the House of Representatives has been laser focused on job creation. However, at every turn our efforts have been thwarted by a President and a Senate unwilling to take the commonsense steps to create economic certainty and get Americans back to work.


We in the House remain committed to moving forward. In the coming week, we will offer a budget that will balance in ten years, strengthen critical health and retirement safety programs, and restore a robust economy through commonsense tax reform. We will offer our budget with those in mind like our families and small businesses who have suffered through joblessness, high taxes, and economic uncertainty for the last four years.


We should be making it easier for our small businesses to create the jobs that our local communities need, not harder – and now is the time to adopt a pro-growth budget that will create the certainty they need. Getting 5th District Virginians and all Americans back to work is our top priority in the House and I look forward to the Senate and the President coming to the table and working with us.


If you need any additional information, please visit my website at or call my Washington office: (202) 225-4711, Charlottesville office: (434) 973-9631, Danville office: (434) 791-2596, or Farmville office: (434) 395-0120.