Friday, March 29, 2013

FRC Action PAC Endorses Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for Governor of Virginia

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today FRC Action PAC, the political action committee connected to the Family Research Council, endorses Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for Governor of Virginia. Tony Perkins, president of FRC Action, made the following statement:

"I am pleased to announce our enthusiastic support for Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for governor of the state of Virginia. Federal and state governments have grown so large that our citizens are losing not only their hard earned money to unbridled government spending, but their rights as individuals. Ken Cuccinelli is the one candidate for governor that has a proven track record that suggests he can provide the leadership needed to restore the rights and freedoms of the citizens. He has demonstrated his understanding of the foundations set forth in the Constitution that will guide the state of Virginia to prosper and thrive in the years ahead.

"Unlike his Democrat opponent, Ken is a native Virginian with an impressive business background. He has been elected from Northern Virginia to the State Senate and again as State Attorney General. We know him to be a strong advocate for life, traditional marriage and religious liberty. As Attorney General, he has become best known for his effort to preserve liberty and defend the principles of the Constitution while demonstrating compassion for the less fortunate among us."

President of the FRC Action PAC Connie Mackey added, "Ken's career speaks for itself. He is a conservative serving all citizens of Virginia. While I don't believe in gender politics, I am impressed with the work he has done to provide pregnant women imaging services, to reduce sexual assaults on college campuses, as well as his work on human trafficking. He is a very caring person with a background that enhances the governing of the state of Virginia."