Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Obama was right

Congressman Robert Hurt

President Obama was right… on one thing. Earlier this month Obama's political attack group, "Organizing for Action," sent an email into our district, using scare tactics to knowingly misrepresent my position on cutting wasteful federal spending and reducing the size of the deficit, with the subject line "Rep. Hurt will notice this."

Well, they're right....when you send lies to my constituents I will take notice.

Interestingly enough, as the media is focusing on all of the "effort" the President is making to work across the aisle with House Republicans in trying to solve the sequester, his former (and still active) campaign attack group sends out a ridiculously personal email that attacks my work in fighting for a balanced budget for families in the 5th and across our nation.

Let me set the record straight -- We cannot help hardworking families and small businesses without a pro-growth plan which sets Washington on the path to balancing its budget and paying down the debt.

While I am working everyday to address the problems facing the people of the 5th District and fighting for the families, farmers, and small businesses that I represent, President Obama's political attack group, Organizing for Action, is falsely attacking my record of cutting wasteful federal spending and balancing our budget. It is my duty to represent the needs and values of the people I serve. That is what I have done and what I will continue to do.

I know that the people of Virginia's 5th District remain concerned with the unsustainable fiscal path we are on as a nation. What's good for our families is good for government, and I'm fighting for a budget that operates under the same premise as our families and small businesses across the 5th District who know that we should not spend more than we take in.

Restoring economic growth by paying down our debt now is critical to preserving the American Dream for our children and grandchildren. If that isn't a sensible, balanced approach worth fighting for....what is?