Thursday, May 4, 2023

Back-Pedaling at the Speed of Lies — Paul Jacob on COVID leaders who now deny they led us astray.

"Show me a school that I shut down and show me a factory that I shut down," challenges Dr. Anthony Fauci. "Never. I never did," he told the New York Times last week.

We sure are a long way from the heady days when he proclaimed, "I am the Science." It's more like in the book of Genesis, where Cain asks the great rhetorical question, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

In other words, Fauci's trying to set the record . . . crooked.

For Fauci was the Authority that bolstered all the advice from the Centers for Disease Control and elsewhere, urging mask mandates and lockdowns and what-have-you.

Now, he is doing more than back-pedaling. He is shifting blame. Blame for failed policies.

But he's not alone in this. For The Epoch Times, Petr Svab notes another famous back-pedaler: American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten. Watch Ms. Weingarten declare on C-Span, "We spent every day from February on trying to get schools open," but click that link and read the Twitter crowd-sourced fact-checks, showing how that's . . . deceptive:

We still argue about how much COVID leaders lied during the heat of the panic. I advised, at the time, to give them a little leeway.

Regarding policy, that is.

Not lying.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.