You can count on me to support school choice in Virginia. I have an 8 year voting record that shows I've supported every school choice bill that's come before me, including sponsoring legislation supporting Educational Savings Accounts, Charter Schools and the Tebow Bill. We homeschooled our 4 children for 8 years, educated them in a private Christian School and later in a public high school. Parents need more choice, not less. We're tired of the cookie cutter one size fits all educational system that is determined to indoctrinate our kids into leftist woke ideology. If parents do choose to send their children to school, they should still be in the driver's seat, not the back seat. We need to protect our children's innocence and not allow politics to dictate their safety and well-being. Parents know their students best and should have more choice, not less. A child's zip code shouldn't determine their level of education. You can continue to count on me to champion school choice in Virginia. For God & Country, Amanda Chase |