Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Bishop E.W. Jackson Blames Biden for Hamas Attack - Says Israel Must Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Program

Norfolk, VA. Bishop E.W. Jackson, an outspoken supporter of Israel, says the time has come to destroy Iran's nuclear program. "We know that Iran is behind this Hamas attack on Israel," says Jackson. "This is a wake-up call. If we allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, a conventional war would become a nuclear war. Instead of hundreds of casualties, Israel could be wiped out, which is what Iran has consistently threatened to do."

Jackson blames President Biden for what is happening to the Jewish state. "He gives lip service to Israel because he and his Party need the political support of Jewish people. Their allies call Israel an 'apartheid state.' Jewish Americans must realize that conservative Christians are their greatest American allies.

Biden recently released $6 billion in frozen funds to the Iranian regime, claiming that the funds would not be used to help Hamas. However, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, said "This money belongs to the Iranian people…so the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide what to do with this money."

The Biden administration justified the release of the funds as an exchange for Americans held hostage. Reports are that more Americans have been taken hostage by Hamas in this new attack on Israel. Says Jackson, "When you reward Islamic thugs and killers for terrorism and kidnapping, you get more terrorism and kidnapping. It's not rocket science, but apparently, the logic escapes Joe Biden."

Jackson says that America is in the midst of a spiritual and cultural revolution. "It is going to take a miracle of God to save our country from degenerating into a Godless state. Our freedom is at stake in this battle. Setting Israel up for attack is just the latest indication of the anti-Christian and anti-Jewish sentiment that is running rampant, particularly on the Left."

Hundreds of Israelis have been murdered, thousands injured and no one knows how many Israelis and Americans have been taken hostage. Yet Harvard academics are blaming Israel rather than the terrorists who are killing innocent men, women and children. Says Jackson, "The elites of our country are perpetrating a spiritual and cultural revolution which defines America and Israel as oppressors. Our enemies, in this warped view, are victims and we deserve whatever they do to us. It is going to take Christians united across racial, cultural and denominational lines - in partnership with our Jewish allies - to stop them."