Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Gary Bauer: Cultural Chaos

The chaos in Congress is dominating the headlines today, and I'll address that issue in a moment. But there are far more damaging things happening in America that we should be focused on. 

The Republic will survive the temporary chaos caused by a sudden change of leadership in the House of Representatives. We won't survive the collapse of norms and values that have defined this country and Western Civilization for centuries.

For example, the entire month of June apparently isn't enough for the LGBTQ crowd. Now, they're claiming October as LGBTQ History Month. Why a history month, too? It's just another excuse to push this radical agenda in the government-run schools to indoctrinate our children.

The Los Angeles Unified School District is planning an entire week of activities for "National Coming Out Day" later this month. There are lesson plans circulating all the way down to the elementary schools. 

Ponder that. Teachers are going to explain homosexuality and who knows what else to little kids and encourage them to "come out" as gay, lesbian or transgender. 

One of the items on the agenda is to ensure that a prominent transgender individual speaks to children in their class, further exposing little children to this gender insanity.

That's what education officials think is really important to expose our children to. I wonder how often the Los Angeles school system brings police officers or veterans into the classroom.

There is also an "identity map" for children that connects characteristics like "race," "gender identity" and "sexuality." How are these things connected? Well, that's called "intersectionality," and it's how the neo-Marxist left enforces ideological groupthink.

This is what's happening in Los Angeles, the City of Angels, which may have the most ironic name of any city in America. Not long ago, the city's baseball team thought it was a really good idea to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of drag queens mockingly dressed as nuns, at the team's gay Pride Month celebration.

The level of indoctrination in virtually every school district in America, should make us angry. But it should also scare us to death. This is the stuff of societal collapse!

Only 54% of students in Los Angeles are proficient in English. Even fewer, just 29%, are proficient in math. Yet the educational and political establishment of Los Angeles is dedicated to an attack on normalcy and the Natural Law. 

I can hear some people saying, "Gary, it's just one school district in California. Big deal." That's a mistake. 

This is one of the largest school districts in America. These students will graduate and move to communities all over the country. They will soon be voters deciding future policies for the country your children and grandchildren are growing up in. 

If we're going to save America, we must stop this insanity. We must fight and win the culture war!