Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Gary Bauer: Targeting Trump

The left's campaign to persecute Donald Trump relentlessly marches on. Right now, New York progressives are attempting to destroy the Trump Organization, potentially bankrupting the former president and his family. 

In doing so, they are taking America down the dark and dangerous path of Soviet-era Stalinism, where the state prosecutes its political opponents.

In her opening monologue last night, Laura Ingraham addressed this sham of a trial, what it says about America today and why it should concern us all. Ingraham noted that New York Attorney Letitia James based her 2018 campaign on prosecuting Donald Trump "every day." 

Did any conservative attorney general make a similar vow – to prosecute Joe Biden "every day" after they took office? As Ingraham noted, James should have been sanctioned by the New York Bar for such outrageous comments. 

That is so antithetical to our history and traditions. We do not use our judicial system to criminalize political disagreements and punish political opponents. That's what totalitarian societies do.

There's no wronged party in this case. James is alleging that the Trump Organization committed fraud by overvaluing certain properties to get more favorable loans. But no bank objected to the loans. No lender is alleging fraud, and all loans were paid.

Moreover, banks are supposed to do their own due diligence before issuing loans. If any bank objected to the valuations, it didn't have to make the loans.

This is a dispute about property valuations, and neither the judge or Attorney General James are real estate experts. But none of that matters. Their goal is to bankrupt Trump and put him in jail. 

Like a communist regime, they want to remove any evidence that he ever existed. They don't want a single building in New York to bear the Trump name. They want Donald Trump dead or sleeping on a sidewalk grate with all the other homeless they created.