Friday, October 27, 2023

Eddie Garcia to speak at MCRW Meeting on Nov 14th

Eddie Garcia
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Virginia 2024

 will be the Guest Speaker at Madison County Republican Women's monthly meeting
Tuesday, November 14th, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

at the Fellowship Baptist Church Annex, 725 Gate Road, Madison

Eddie is a man of faith, husband, father, and a 22-year Army veteran with six separate combat deployments. He comes from a humble background as the son of a ranch hand near the Rio Grande Valley and enlisted in the US Army at age 17. He is a proud Hispanic American with a family heritage and a history of service in WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He earned Graduate degrees in Information Technology and Legislative Affairs. He worked in the Pentagon and with Congress to pass federal legislation on behalf of veterans, our military and Gold Star families.

The meeting dinner will feature delicious ham plus great side dishes and desserts by MCRW Members. Dinner donation $10. Everyone is invited to attend this interesting meeting.

Please note that the November meeting will be held on the Second Tuesday instead of the Third Tuesday.