Sunday, October 29, 2023

Congressman Good Update: Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

This week, Republicans elected Rep. Mike Johnson (LA) as the 56th Speaker of the House of Representatives. Mike Johnson is a true conservative who will fight for our values and priorities. He is a man of integrity, grounded in his deep personal faith. Speaker Johnson is also a strong leader who will stand up to President Biden, Democrats in the Senate, and the DC establishment.

For too long, Washington politicians have put the special interests ahead of the American people who elected them. I believe that Speaker Johnson's election represents a renewed commitment by the Republican Party to do what we said we would do, when Americans trusted us with the House majority a year ago.

Speaker Johnson has spoken of seven core principles that define the conservative Republican agenda: individual freedom, limited government, the rule of law, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets, and human dignity.

Speaker Johnson immediately went to work after being sworn in. His first order of business was passing a resolution condemning the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel and supporting the right of Israel to defend itself. We then passed our fifth of 12 required annual spending bills, and he outlined a schedule to complete the remaining bills before the November 17 temporary funding deadline. Meanwhile, Democrats in the Senate have yet to pass even one appropriations bill.

With the changes that were negotiated in January during the previous Speaker battle, we now have a new leader who will be an honest partner in doing everything possible to reverse the harmful policies that are destroying our country and the spending levels that are bankrupting our children's future.