Thursday, February 8, 2024

Gary Bauer: Fighting For Election Integrity

Molly Hemingway, editor-in-chief of The Federalist and bestselling author, testified on Capitol Hill yesterday on the issue of election integrity. Her remarks were a grand slam home run. Here is a brief excerpt of her testimony:

"The American system of self-governance is under attack. Instead of an Election Day, where everyone votes at the same time, with the same full set of information, votes are counted quickly, and everyone promptly knows and trusts the outcome, we now have lengthy election seasons that can last months prior to and even after Election Day.


"The situation is so absurd that we have presidential and gubernatorial debates weeks after some people have already voted.


"Instead of having total security and a verifiable chain of custody for ballots being issued, cast and counted, we flood addresses across the country with tens of millions of unsupervised mail-in ballots months ahead of elections, frequently to locations from which voters, if they're even alive, have long since moved."


You can watch her full statement here.