Monday, February 5, 2024

Scott Parkinson: Stop the Schumer Illegal Immigration Invasion!

Stop the Schumer Illegal Immigration Invasion!


Last night Chuck Schumer announced a border deal that also provides tens of billions of dollars in U.S. taxpayers dollars to other countries.


This is not an America First bill. It is America Last!


And the DC Uniparty just might go along with it. We've got to stop them.


The Schumer Illegal Immigration Invasion has all sorts of problems – but most egregious is that the bill DOES NOT STOP THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION INVASION! The bill still allows 1.8 million illegals to pour across the border every year. And it even makes the 5,000 per day illegal immigrant *fake* limitation expire after three years.


What a joke!


I'm running for the U.S. Senate to enhance public safety. But if we do not secure American sovereignty by securing the border, we know our communities are LESS SAFE. You read the stories every day. Fentanyl. Trafficking. Murder. It's time for the People to stand up and say NO to Washington DC Uniparty career politicians that vote for America Last policies.


No Democrats have come out against this bill. And my opponent – TIM KAINE (D-ishonest-VA) – is so out-of-touch, he will certainly vote for this bill. You see, the radical Left is willing to walk the plank in order to advance their agenda to change the fabric of America.


The vote on this bill is expected to be on Wednesday, February 7. It's not too late to stop the Senate from passing this bill. But Senators need to hear from you NOW.


Activate your voice. Call. Email. Post on social media.


I warned about this deal coming together on January 12th, when the first details showed it was just another Biden Open Borders bill.


Make your voice heard. Join me in opposing this terrible illegal immigration invasion!