Friday, February 2, 2024


(Arlington, VA) January 30, 2024 – United States Senate Candidate from Virginia and retired Major in the US Army, Eddie Garcia, released the following statement in response to the recent loss of military servicemembers in Jordan.:

"Having had the honor to serve my country in combat during six overseas deployments and nearly three years of my life in the Middle East, I know all too well the horrors of war. I lost dear friends who were killed in action, and I still have close brothers-in-arms severely struggling with the effects of wars in which Washington politicians did not have a strategy nor the political will to win. 

Today, I join with many Americans who are angered by the numerous foreign policy failures of the Biden Administration. From the botched Afghanistan withdrawal that killed thirteen young American servicemembers to the recent news of three more casualties and several injuries this week, the Biden Administration has once again failed at the most fundamental of duties as Commander in Chief.

These failures go beyond the loss of life; they give cause for grave concern over the inability of Washington's status quo politicians to protect our deployed servicemembers and keep Americans safe. While the war-hungry DC elites of the military-industrial complex would love to see their pockets lined by another war, the American people do not want to send their sons and daughters to fight another endless war. Our country is staring down a crisis at the border, rampant homelessness, an abysmal economy, and trillions in debt. The very last thing we need is to shoulder the burden of another war in the Middle East caused by do-nothing, platitude-peddling politicians. 

In the face of our problems at home and abroad, we need genuine, decisive leadership. My focus on providing A Better Tomorrow for our Nation is rooted in finding solutions to foreign policy issues without losing one more of my brothers and sisters-in-arms. I am dedicated to No New Wars while also proactively upholding a sacred duty to protect the American people. I am committed to solving our problems here at home first, for it is that which the American public places their trust in those seeking public office. I pray that the Biden administration turns the tide of irresponsibility; in the meantime, I remain steadfast in holding them to account and leading on behalf of the American people."

Eddie Garcia

Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate