Thursday, March 21, 2024

Gary Bauer: The Double Standard

James Carville, known as the "Ragin' Cajun" for his hard-edged approach to politics, was on CNN yesterday to talk about the 2024 election. His advice for Biden was to get some people to do the "wetwork" on Donald Trump.

If you're not familiar with the phrase, "wetwork" is killing someone and spilling their blood.

I read Carville's remarks, and there's no doubt in my mind that he was using an edgy, inappropriate word to make a rhetorical point about deploying a really tough negative, slash and burn campaign strategy.

I don't believe Carville was encouraging violence. The media ignored the meaning of "wetwork."

That would be the same "lamestream media" that took Trump's statement about a "bloodbath" in the American auto industry and twisted it into a threat by Trump of violent revolution.

Once again, the double standard in the way the media covers conservatives and the left is on full display. Remember this the next time the media hyperventilates over something Trump supposedly said.