Saturday, June 21, 2008

Strike back and silence this attempt at censorship!

In the Democrat's perfect world, Americans would only be allowed to think the way they tell us to. To facilitate this, Democrats are once again pushing the so-called Fairness Doctrine, another left-wing attempt to silence diversity of thought in America. The Media Research Center, needs you to sign their special Citizen Petition to stop this Marxist grab for control of the air.

"Even though they virtually dominate the media on television and in print, liberals are now poised to go after the top prize: talk radio.

Despite the fact that there is no market for their radical ideas, they are building the case to use the FCC to censor free speech by resurrecting the Fairness Doctrine -- a blatant form of government control of ideas that could banish the conservative voice from the airwaves!

Right now, a bill is being prevented from getting to the floor for a vote by liberal leadership in Congress. This bill - the Broadcaster Freedom Act -- would permanently ban the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" and bring about true Radio Independence once and for all.

Conservative Action Awaits

Each year, we celebrate our country's Independence on July 4. This year, we’d like to celebrate Radio Independence Day, but we need your help!

We must join together to save the free debate of ideas from government censorship! That's why we're asking you to sign our special Citizen Petition to stop the Fairness Doctrine. Please go here now:

Timing is Critical

We want to present Congressional leadership with at least 100,000 petitions demanding the Broadcaster Freedom Act be brought to a full floor vote before the Fourth of July!

Every member of Congress needs to go on record on this vital First Amendment issue -- but we need your help, first.

This bill will languish in committee unless we can rally members of the House to sign a "discharge" petition that would bring the bill to the House floor for a vote.

Right now, 194 members of Congress have signed the discharge petition, but getting the remaining 24 signatures--the key signatures we need will require a massive grassroots effort!

That's why we need you to sign this petition right now and help make this July 4 Radio Independence Day.

Please go here:

Our Full Commitment

Let's face it. The Left still dominates the mainstream media. The last main barrier to total control is conservative talk radio!

Imagine a world without Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Mark Levin or Laura Ingraham.

That is why we are dedicating every possible resource at the MRC's disposal to fighting this effort to gag conservative ideas. We must keep talk radio free and independent of government control.

It is time to rally for Radio Independence Day, and we're counting on you to help us strike back and silence this attempt at censorship!

Thank you in advance for taking a stand to ensure that conservatives have a voice in our society."

Douglas C. Mills
, Executive Director

Media Research Center